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Teach Travel Write

Learn to travel | Travel to learn

There is something a bit warm fuzzy-Insta-agenda-ish about the word "wanderlust". But for some of us, it is an actual psychological thing that cannot be tamed. Travel feeds my soul in way that routine does not. I just want to see as much of this planet as I can. Staying out of my comfort zone grounds me, oddly. It's part of my becoming a better teacher, traveler, tutor, and writer.

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One Day in Budapest

It's a privilege not only to travel but to return to places and experience them at different times in my life. The more I see, the more I...

Wild Antarctica

"At a time when it's possible for thirty people to stand on the top of Everest in one day, Antarctica still remains a remote, lonely, and...

Spain Has Not Left Me

Again, I have only scratched the surface of a beautiful country, and there is much left to discover. Spain is sunny and relaxed, with...

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